I’m an energy industry expert creating value by analyzing assets, markets, technologies, and power usage to identify, monetize, and implement profitable energy and de-carbonization projects.

Energy & De-carbonization Consulting Services


Energy & De-carbonization program development

  • Identify and consolidate energy consumption, cost, and emission data for all global sites

  • Prioritize sites with highest energy use, cost, and emission

  • Conduct renewable energy resource assessment to determine capacity factors and cash flow analysis for renewable project

  • Develop an Energy Champions program for energy project ideation, monetization, and implementation

  • Develop the Energy & Decarbonization roadmap toward emission reduction

  • Develop the Marginal Abatement Cost Curve to prioritize energy and emission projects

Power generation fuels analysis

  • Analyze fuel pricing and origination logistics

  • Develop importation and transport logistics to generation site

  • Identify fuel capacity choke points with import and storage capacity planning

  • Evaluate importation infrastructure requirements, including capital and operating expense

Liquid fuel use efficiency analysis

  • Evaluate power generator fuel delivery logistics, consumption, cost, efficiency, and emissions

  • Identify opportunities for saving both fuel and expenditures, and monetize the opportunity with a project cash flow analysis

  • Determine combustion emission savings potential, and carbon footprint impact

  • Evaluate opportunities for holistic fuel management system to remotely and electronically monitor fuel tank inventories, and consumption 

Energy consumption and cost savings

  • Analyze client energy use inside the plant boundaries

  • Evaluate power supply contracts and tariffs, if grid connected

  • Identify opportunities for energy savings and energy cost savings

  • Monetize opportunities for energy savings with project cash flow analysis

Country-wide energy supply and demand analysis for developing nations

  • Identify all hydro and thermal power plant generation and utilization history, current and planned

  • Align energy demand projections with World Bank GDP estimates, and reserve requirements

  • Construct energy supply and demand model

  • Identify supply shortfalls in future project planning periods

  • Develop load shed mitigation strategy

  • Determine unserved energy requirements justifying new power generation projects

Energy end-user power reliability analysis

  • Evaluate the frequency, length, and root cause of unplanned power outages 

  • Identify amount of lost production and financial impact to client

  • Determine opportunity costs to client in US$ per day due to inadequate and/or unreliable power

  • Develop a project cash flow analysis for a mitigation strategy 

  • Identify additional backup generation capacity required to improve reliability